PIRATE The Program for Intensive Residential Aphasia Treatment & Education
What is PIRATE?
VA Pittsburgh’s Program for Intensive Residential Aphasia Treatment and Education (PIRATE) provides treatment to Veterans and active duty service members with aphasia. Treatment through PIRATE can help these individuals improve their listening, speaking, reading, or writing abilities, and may include the use of communication technology.
PIRATE is offered throughout the year with a maximum of six sessions per year. Each session is four weeks long, and therapy takes place on weekdays during business hours. Patients’ family members can participate in select educational and therapy sessions.
Since its founding in 2009, PIRATE has provided treatment to hundreds of Veterans from across the United States while working to better understand aphasia recovery and improve outcomes for all individuals living with aphasia.
What is Aphasia?
Aphasia is a language disorder that impacts a person’s ability to understand language, speak, read, and write. Aphasia is often caused by stroke or head injury and affects over 2.4 million Americans.
To learn more about aphasia and find information relevant to people with aphasia, caregivers, and speech therapists please consider exploring these related resources.
Resources & Education for Stroke Caregivers' Understanding and Empowerment (RESCUE)
Meet the PIRATE Team
We are a team of clinical providers, educators, and scientist-practitioners dedicated to improving the functioning and well being of people with aphasia. Please click on a staff member picture to learn more about them!
Contact Us
If you have questions about the PIRATE program or our clinical trials, we would love to hear from you.
(412) 360-6472
[email protected]
Apply to PIRATE
Fill out the PIRATE application and e-consultation form and return them to the PIRATE team by fax or mail.
Fax number:
(412) 360-6426
Mailing address:
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
PIRATE ATTN: Mary Sullivan
University Drive, 112 SP-U
Pittsburgh, PA 15240
Support Us
Your support goes a long way. Thanks for helping us invest in Veterans with aphasia.
PIRATE Testimonials
“Thanks for giving me my life back” – Veteran
“Words flow more easily. He’s not as frustrated when he can’t get a word. He has more confidence in himself!” – Wife of a Veteran
“People say that I sound a lot better than before”- Veteran
“The program exceeded my expectations with the outcome of my dad’s ability to communicate and confidence.”- Daughter of a Veteran
“I loved it here. They helped me a lot.”-Veteran
“The clinicians made [veteran] feel very confident and enthusiastic. He enjoyed the experience very much and we appreciate all the hard work and planning that went into helping him improve.”- Wife of a Veteran

Aphasia Research Projects
We currently have a number of active research projects recruiting participants with aphasia. Please click on a study name to learn more about it.