Donate Now and Learn How You Can Make a Difference
The needs of veterans
Our veteran population is aging and suffers from a number of diseases at rates much higher than the general population. Our younger veterans are returning with complex combat-related injuries. Our growing women warrior population has unique health challenges that need to be studied and addressed.
Your tax-deductible donation will be used to fund research and education programs focused on advancing veterans’ health.
Thank you for supporting programs that mend the minds and bodies of our veterans!

VHF is pleased to share
With our donors, supporters, and the broader nonprofit community key financial documents, including the following:
Donate Now
VHF is a nonprofit organization
Designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c) 3 by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Our tax ID is #25-1666090.
There are several ways to donate!
You can also help support lifesaving research as you shop on Amazon! Amazon will make a donation based on the orders you place through AmazonSmile!
Simply click the button below and sign in to shop using your current Amazon account! You can also visit and sign up for an Amazon account if you don’t already have one. Make sure to select the Veterans Research Foundation of Pittsburgh as your charity of choice!
This is a no-cost-to-you (free) option to donate as Amazon makes the donation!
Please consider supporting the Veterans Research Foundation through AmazonSmile as you shop for the holiday season!
Donating by mail or in-person with a check payable to the Veterans Health Foundation is a convenient way to donate.
Mailing/Physical Address:
Veterans Health Foundation
University Drive C (151)
Building 30 – Ground Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15240
There are several options on how to donate or indicate the purpose of your donation. For your convenience, we created a form to determine your preferred options. But remember, this form is just there for your convenience if you wish to tell us more about your intention of giving.
You can also simply put a check into an envelope and mail it to our offices with a little note that you wish to donate the enclosed amount to VHF.
If you have any questions on how you can donate, please contact the Veterans Health Foundation directly at (412) 360-2403.